Been doing cardio almost every day for 30-60 minutes for about 3 weeks now. I’m getting extremely buff even though I’m still around 215 lbs and Filipinas of all ages are breaking their necks everywhere checking me out wherever I go. I’m enjoying the attention, frankly. My wife says it’s first and foremost because of the bulge in my shorts, however, ha ha. The reality is it’s the whole package. God has been good to me. It’s fun being healthy and in the best shape of your life. I’m thinking of auditioning to be the next Aquaman. :)


Are you so stupid that you can’t understand and that jailed drug “criminals” are money generating CUSTOMERS of the POLICE providing the police additional JOB SECURITY, additional pay and additional benefits all around the world?! The police globally make TRILLIONS of dollars off the “war on drugs.” Corrupt politicians make TRILLIONS off the “war on drugs.” The international drug selling cartels and syndicates spanning from Mexico to China and many more make TRILLIONS off the “war on drugs.” They love that drugs are illegal, it’s exactly and the only thing that gives them their jacked up black market Uber profitable street drug prices. You are FUCKING BRAINLESS if you “think” police, politicians or the drug cartels want the “war on drugs” to ever end. On the contrary, they are HEAVILY financially invested in the “war on drugs” NEVER ENDING. When you stupidly allow yourself to be used as a brainless pawn and support the “war on drugs,” you are literally participating in the cold blooded murder of people JESUS loves worldwide and most of them are poor, weak and disadvantaged, in other words, “the least of these” that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 25. If you read all of Matthew 25, Jesus makes it rather plain that you’re going to hell if you dont change your ways and your attitudes and choose the way of mercy and charity instead, that is, the way of Heaven.


Oppressors, murderers, racists and bigots and their supporters need to be LOUDLY “called out” GLOBALLY wherever and whoever they are, from your least esteemed unknown “friend” on Facebook to the top leaders of countries all around the world. The non-assholes of the world MUST escalate the condemnation and ostracization of the assholes of the world. We must NOT allow their various INSANITIES to become normalized. What people do AND say matter enormously. And even more so if you are a top leader of anything big. I have a Du30 supporter friend who I’ve actually met many times before that disgusts me so badly at times given his support as an alleged “Christian” of Du30 that I have blocked and unblocked him several times in the past. Today I blocked him for the last time. He’s too stupid and therefore unworthy to be my friend. Our values are incompatible. He loves bloodshed, Du30 loves bloodshed and Satan loves bloodshed. Jesus and I hate bloodshed. We’re just going in different directions. So be it. He’s made his choice. I wonder if he’ll be happy with that choice on the Last Day. Um. I doubt it.
